HOURS Sept. 21st- Oct. 27th, 2024
10:00am – 6:00pm
10:00am – 6:00pm
Sept. 27th, Oct. 4th, 11th, & 18th
** 12-6pm **
and then our FUN
Friday Nights Flashlight CORN MAZE
for a Cause (Family Friendly)
**6pm – 9pm**
(see pricing below)
Columbus Day
Monday, Oct. 14th, 2024
12:00pm – 6:00pm
Check us out on Facebook for current posts.
And the most up to date info!
Parking is FREE
FREE Hayride to and from the 32 Acre Pumpkin Patch
Only pay for what you pick!
**BIG 20 Acre-Corn Maze: $10 per person
Children under 2 are Free.
Groups of 10 or more: $9 per person
Friday Nights Flashlight Corn Maze Fundraiser: (BIG 20 Acre Corn MAZE)
All ages: $13 per person
Group Rate $12 per person (10 or more people)
Pony rides: $10.00 twice around
Amusement Rides:
Ticket packets available:
20/$20 or 55/$50
Visiting with farm animals: Free
Straw maze: Free
Food Trucks & Concession Food Stands
hotdogs, hamburgers, BBQ, Grilled Cheese, French fries, funnel cake, cotton candy, Coffee and so much more!
Fall Décor
Pumpkins: $0.70/lb
Gourds: $1.35/lb
Squash: $0.95/lb
Corn: $1.00/ear
Corn: stalks $9.00/bundle
Straw bales: $9.00/bale
Mums: See farm for pricing.
We Accept Cash or Credit
Visa, Mastercard, Discover with $10 minimum for Sunflowers, Strawberries, and Pumpkins. All other activities are CASH ONLY. ATM’s are available on the farm.
**All pricing subject to change without notice.**
Contact Us
Main Phone: (610) 837-0847
Information Hotline: (610) 837-6282
e-mail: seiplefarms@yahoo.com
Need Directions? Click Here
OPEN- weekends starting Saturday, September 21st thru Sunday, October 27th, 2024.
Celebrating OVER 40 YEARS of PUMPKINS!!
During the weekends you can enjoy a Hayride to our 32 Acre Pumpkin Patch, Our 20 Acre BIG Corn Maze, visiting farm animals, a straw maze, Pony Rides, Amusement Rides, Food Trucks, Visit our Pumpkin Barn & Gift Shop, Vendors, and so much more!
Seiple Farms offers pick your own pumpkins, gourds, squash, neck pumpkins, Indian corn and popcorn. You can also purchase apples and apple cider, corn stalks, straw bales, mums, and other seasonal items.
Contact us to book a field trip or group tour.
(610) 837-0847 or seiplefarms@yahoo.com
Want to celebrate your birthday with us?
Please call or email us at seiplefarms@yahoo.com to book your Fall party with us!
Well-mannered dogs are welcome!
All dogs must be leashed AT ALL TIMES, good around large crowds, loud noises and farm animals, and of course CLEANED UP AFTER! Please respect our property so this privilege can be continued.
**Corn Maze for a Cause!- 2024 Pictures Below- 20 Acre BIG maze -Take a hayride to the mazes!!
Come join our Friday Nights Flashlight Fundraiser on participating Fridays from 6pm – 9pm.
Play the video below to preview our 22 Acre Corn Maze from 2021.

View past autumn photos at Seiple Farms
Click on an image below to enlarge

5761 Nor Bath Bourlevard, Bath PA | (610) 837-0847